Discrete logic can be used in a variety of scenarios, from simple interfacing of memory and MCU to performing more complex level translation and switching between peripherals. Whether inside portable systems or on-board vehicles, logic adds functionality and enhances the end-user’s experience. Let’s explore how unique logic is.
Logic has sometimes been regarded as a synonym of Gates, an approximation that reduces the true meaning of logic. Indeed, logic doesn’t only perform basic Boolean tasks. At Nexperia, logic goes beyond adding gates to a design – it also includes voltage translators, switches and multiplexers. Our logic solutions can thus be found near MCUs but also between peripherals and in touchscreen sub-systems.
Logic is much more than gates, it solves countless design challenges!
Logic is not just a quick fix to existing designs that minimizes reconfiguration time. Functions we offer include shift-registers and bus switches that extend the GPIO which can even be used to drive LEDs. Our logic solutions offer signal switching, sequencing, latching and controlling capabilities – among other possibilities.
Design issues like signal integrity and routing, partial power-down circuits and basic decision-making functions such as control/reset can all find an answer in our broad product line-up. Our four segments, as shown below, cater to a variety of needs and include both popular and specialty logic functions.
End-users benefit from designs that use logic
Not only does logic help engineers and designers, it also has a positive impact on the user experience. Through continuous miniaturization efforts, Nexperia’s logic products have contributed to creating portable devices that are smaller, thinner, lighter and more energy efficient. Consumer electronics and mobile designs alike have benefitted from logic’s evolution, often driven by our packaging innovations.
In the past decade, our logic has been used for developing responsive systems, with enhanced reliability and lower power needs, all at an affordable cost. In effect, logic has enabled time-to-market to be accelerated. It has added differentiating features and allowed the adoption of multilayer boards that have positively impacted designs. In this way logic is indirectly revolutionizing device form factors – and changing the digital lives of end-users. Notably, the move from leaded PicoGate packages to leadless MicroPak packages has made the design process more flexible, with visibly smaller designs (illustrated in the size comparison example below).
Logic makes a clear difference
Nexperia’s Mini Logic in particular has been instrumental in driving change in mobile and in computing. In these markets our logic inverters, gates and flip-flops are used, for example, in power control and start-up sequencing. Detachable tablets and accessories have used some of our bus switches too. Also, Schmitt-triggers are employed to sharpen input logic levels for noisy signals while data signals have been buffered with our low-power logic buffers. In short, logic is critical because it has a record of solving unique problems in optimally efficient ways.
As the mobile industry is now readying for 5G, logic will again play a role in interfacing baseband and RF or memory. It will help accelerate time-to-market of the next generation of wireless devices by supplying various low-power control and level translation solutions: our sub-1 V AUP and AXP technologies are addressing the low power segment and are positioned for applications where battery life is key.
Yet, at the opposite end of the application spectrum from mobile, our Automotive portfolio covers requirements that exceed the 5 V limit. This is thanks to our LV, HC, and HEF families that feature input-clamping diodes, illustrating that Nexperia’s logic portfolio goes beyond just ‘standard’ needs. Logic also plays a major role in automotive innovation, by interfacing components in cutting-edge systems. For example, our voltage translators can be found in new ADAS and diagnostic applications.
Our unique logic solutions outclass ‘standard’ devices
Our approach to logic isn’t one-size-fits-all. Despite the ongoing low-power trend, we continue to serve markets that require higher voltage nodes. We aim to bring our logic know-how wherever it enhances user experiences and facilitates the designer’s innovation process. In our mindset, designs are varied and customers’ requirements are one-of-a-kind. Nonetheless our experienced teams can recognize similar issues and advise about them with tailored answers.
Even though logic discretes are sometimes considered ‘standard’ products, our point of view certainly isn’t. As reflected in our portfolio, logic can also be considered a specialty field with various translation and switching solutions. For use cases like these, Nexperia's unique expertise makes the difference!